Thursday, October 25, 2007


Tonight we took a walk after dinner. It was such a great night. A lady that lives in our neighborhood goes absolutely ape nuts over holiday decorations, especially Halloween. The kids think it is the coolest thing ever. I have attached a couple of pictures, but they don't do it justice. She has bats in the trees, all kinds of ghouls and goblins hanging, little things that look like fire on the trees, eyes in her bushes, a cemetery, a casket, skeletons, spiders, rats, blow-up name it, she has it. No lie, I bet there is at least $700-$800 worth of stuff in her yard. It is just a slight bit tacky, but the kids absolutely love it!

Addie is multitasking...coloring while enjoying our walk

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Beautiful Day

Today was an absolutely beautiful day. We spent some time outside after getting home from church today, and it was just beautiful. Fall is my favorite time of year, and the leaves are starting to change colors a little, there is a slight briskness in the's just perfect to me. I don't see how anyone can have a day like today (or any day for that matter, but especially today) and not believe in God.

Pictures of Addie and Matt enjoying being a little lazy in the sun...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Our Fall Vacation

We spent the week last week in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg with our families. There is nothing that makes me happier in this world than spending time with my immediate and extended family. I know most of you have read the Five Love Languages book. Well, my love language is definitely time. I love to spend time with people that I care about, and conversely, I feel very loved when others spend time with me. So being together for a week with family recharged me. It was a great week of relaxing (that word is very relative these days), visiting, eating, playing, and bonding together. There is nothing that will bond a family faster than to put them under one roof for several days. And then at the end of a nice week, it is so nice to sleep in your own bed. I guess being away makes you appreciate the comforts of home a little more, too. Here are a few pictures from the week:

Matthew, Charlie, Nora, Addie. All the grandkids sans Sophie. She didn't care too much about having her picture taken.

Addie, Charlie, and Matthew swimming...yes, in the hot tub.

Matthew and Tommy on the teacups.

Addie Mae on a ride.

MaJo, Addie, Matthew, and Pa after lunch at the Apple Barn. We ate there twice in one never gets old.

P/S-Happy Birthday last weekend to my sweet, sweet nephew Tomas. He turned 3 years old...that is so hard to believe. We love you Tomas!

Matthew and his (best) buddy, Tomas.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Fall Break

Today starts fall break for us (well, mainly for Jeff, Addie, and Matt). We're going to have a true family week. We will be staying in Pigeon Forge with the Stone family the beginning of next week, and then with my family the last part of the week in Gatlinburg. It was weird how both families planned trips to the same area unbeknownst (is that a word??) to the other. But it works out perfect for us. I think we will have fun visiting Dollywood (I've never been, so I'm excited about that), the rinky-dink go-cart tracks, the malls, my favorites...the pancake houses and the candy stores, and just relaxing in our rooms. The place we are staying with the Stone's is a big cabin, with a hot tub, a game room, etc. It looks like it has a great view, too. And then with my parents, it is not up in the mountains, we will be in condos, and the place has an inside water park, a petting zoo, horseback riding, etc. It will be a great mix. It seems like there will be lots of fun to be had! And trust me, if there is fun to be had, Addie Mae and Matthew Stone will not be far away!! Hope you all have a great week.